Implementing a single class Java parser for semantic versioning with correct precedence ordering

I have this love/hate relationship with semantic versioning. It’s great for libraries, but not so great for apps as it tends to confuse users. The really annoying thing, though, is the rattail of pre release and meta tags that may be appended and the insanely complex rules that must be followed when you do. I mean, just take the following three examples:


All of them are valid semantic version identifiers. But what’s their correct order? Which one is the latest release? You already need a background in compiler construction (always kind of a hobby of mine) just to parse those strings, but sorting them, too? Total nightmare!

So far, I found a couple of libraries that seem to do the trick, but boyah, talk about code bloat. Sure, the SemVer grammar isn’t exactly trivial, but you don’t have to take it to the YACC level and/or spread the parser across half a dozen classes. Not to mention that adding another dependency to your project just for parsing a version string is an absolute overkill.

A SemVer parser can easily and efficiently be implemented as recursive descend parser by (ab)using Java’s native callstack as the parse stack. Here’s a single class solution:

(if you use it in your projects, credit is appreciated, but not required).

public final class SemanticVersion implements Comparable<SemanticVersion> {

	 * Major version number
	public final int major;

	 * Minor version number
	public final int minor;

	 * Patch level
	public final int patch;

	 * Pre-release tags (potentially empty, but never null). This is private to
	 * ensure read only access.
	private final String[] preRelease;

	 * Build meta data tags (potentially empty, but never null). This is private
	 * to ensure read only access.
	private final String[] buildMeta;

	 * Construct a new plain version object
	 * @param major
	 *          major version number. Must not be negative
	 * @param minor
	 *          minor version number. Must not be negative
	 * @param patch
	 *          patchlevel. Must not be negative.
	public SemanticVersion(int major, int minor, int patch) {
		this(major, minor, patch, new String[0], new String[0]);

	 * Construct a fully featured version object with all bells and whistles.
	 * @param major
	 *          major version number (must not be negative)
	 * @param minor
	 *          minor version number (must not be negative)
	 * @param patch
	 *          patch level (must not be negative).
	 * @param preRelease
	 *          pre release identifiers. Must not be null, all parts must match
	 *          "[0-9A-Za-z-]+".
	 * @param buildMeta
	 *          build meta identifiers. Must not be null, all parts must match
	 *          "[0-9A-Za-z-]+".
	public SemanticVersion(int major, int minor, int patch, String[] preRelease,
			String[] buildMeta) {
		if (major < 0 || minor < 0 || patch < 0) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Versionnumbers must be positive!");
		this.buildMeta = new String[buildMeta.length];
		this.preRelease = new String[preRelease.length];
		Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[0-9A-Za-z-]+");
		for (int i = 0; i < preRelease.length; i++) {
			if (preRelease[i] == null || !p.matcher(preRelease[i]).matches()) {
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Pre Release tag: " + i);
			this.preRelease[i] = preRelease[i];
		for (int i = 0; i < buildMeta.length; i++) {
			if (buildMeta[i] == null || !p.matcher(buildMeta[i]).matches()) {
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Build Meta tag: " + i);
			this.buildMeta[i] = buildMeta[i];

		this.major = major;
		this.minor = minor;
		this.patch = patch;

	 * Convenience constructor for creating a Version object from the
	 * "Implementation-Version:" property of the Manifest file.
	 * @param clazz
	 *          a class in the JAR file (or that otherwise has its
	 *          implementationVersion attribute set).
	 * @throws ParseException
	 *           if the versionstring does not conform to the semver specs.
	public SemanticVersion(Class<?> clazz) throws ParseException {

	 * Construct a version object by parsing a string.
	 * @param version
	 *          version in flat string format
	 * @throws ParseException
	 *           if the version string does not conform to the semver specs.
	public SemanticVersion(String version) throws ParseException {
		vParts = new int[3];
		preParts = new ArrayList<String>(5);
		metaParts = new ArrayList<String>(5);
		input = version.toCharArray();
		if (!stateMajor()) { // Start recursive descend
			throw new ParseException(version, errPos);
		major = vParts[0];
		minor = vParts[1];
		patch = vParts[2];
		preRelease = preParts.toArray(new String[preParts.size()]);
		buildMeta = metaParts.toArray(new String[metaParts.size()]);

	 * Check if this version has a given build Meta tags.
	 * @param tag
	 *          the tag to check for.
	 * @return true if the tag is found in {@link SemanticVersion#buildMeta}.
	public boolean hasBuildMeta(String tag) {
		for (String s : buildMeta) {
			if (s.equals(tag)) {
				return true;
		return false;

	 * Check if this version has a given pre release tag.
	 * @param tag
	 *          the tag to check for
	 * @return true if the tag is found in {@link SemanticVersion#preRelease}.
	public boolean hasPreRelease(String tag) {
		for (String s : preRelease) {
			if (s.equals(tag)) {
				return true;
		return false;

	 * Get the pre release tags
	 * @return a potentially empty array, but never null.
	public String[] getPreRelease() {
		String[] ret = new String[preRelease.length];
		System.arraycopy(preRelease, 0, ret, 0, ret.length);
		return ret;

	 * Get the build meta tags
	 * @return a potentially empty array, but never null.
	public String[] getBuildMeta() {
		String ret[] = new String[buildMeta.length];
		System.arraycopy(buildMeta, 0, ret, 0, ret.length);
		return ret;

	 * Convenience method to check if this version is an update.
	 * @param v
	 *          the other version object
	 * @return true if this version is newer than the other one.
	public boolean isUpdateFor(SemanticVersion v) {
		return compareTo(v) > 0;

	 * Convenience method to check if this version is a compatible update.
	 * @param v
	 *          the other version object.
	 * @return true if this version is newer and both have the same major version.
	public boolean isCompatibleUpdateFor(SemanticVersion v) {
		return isUpdateFor(v) && (major == v.major) && (major != 0 || v.major != 0);

	 * Convenience method to check if this is a stable version.
	 * @return true if the major version number is greater than zero and there are
	 *         no pre release tags.
	public boolean isStable() {
		return major > 0 && preRelease.length == 0;

	public String toString() {
		StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
		if (preRelease.length > 0) {
			for (int i = 0; i < preRelease.length; i++) {
				if (i < preRelease.length - 1) {
		if (buildMeta.length > 0) {
			for (int i = 0; i < buildMeta.length; i++) {
				if (i < buildMeta.length - 1) {
		return ret.toString();

	public int hashCode() {
		return toString().hashCode(); // Lazy

	public boolean equals(Object other) {
		if (this == other) {
			return true;
		if (!(other instanceof SemanticVersion)) {
			return false;
		SemanticVersion ov = (SemanticVersion) other;
		if (ov.major != major || ov.minor != minor || ov.patch != patch) {
			return false;
		if (ov.preRelease.length != preRelease.length) {
			return false;
		for (int i = 0; i < preRelease.length; i++) {
			if (!preRelease[i].equals(ov.preRelease[i])) {
				return false;
		if (ov.buildMeta.length != buildMeta.length) {
			return false;
		for (int i = 0; i < buildMeta.length; i++) {
			if (!buildMeta[i].equals(ov.buildMeta[i])) {
				return false;
		return true;

	public int compareTo(SemanticVersion v) {
		int result = major - v.major;
		if (result == 0) { // Same major
			result = minor - v.minor;
			if (result == 0) { // Same minor
				result = patch - v.patch;
				if (result == 0) { // Same patch
					if (preRelease.length == 0 && v.preRelease.length > 0) {
						result = 1; // No pre release wins over pre release
					if (v.preRelease.length == 0 && preRelease.length > 0) {
						result = -1; // No pre release wins over pre release
					if (preRelease.length > 0 && v.preRelease.length > 0) {
						int len = Math.min(preRelease.length, v.preRelease.length);
						int count = 0;
						for (count = 0; count < len; count++) {
							result = comparePreReleaseTag(count, v);
							if (result != 0) {
						if (result == 0 && count == len) { // Longer version wins.
							result = preRelease.length - v.preRelease.length;
		return result;

	private int comparePreReleaseTag(int pos, SemanticVersion ov) {
		Integer here = null;
		Integer there = null;
		try {
			here = Integer.parseInt(preRelease[pos], 10);
		catch (NumberFormatException e) {
		try {
			there = Integer.parseInt(ov.preRelease[pos], 10);
		catch (NumberFormatException e) {
		if (here != null && there == null) {
			return -1; // Strings take precedence over numbers
		if (here == null && there != null) {
			return 1; // Strings take precedence over numbers
		if (here == null && there == null) {
			return (preRelease[pos].compareTo(ov.preRelease[pos])); // ASCII compare
		return here.compareTo(there); // Number compare

	// Parser implementation below

	private int[] vParts;
	private ArrayList<String> preParts, metaParts;
	private int errPos;
	private char[] input;

	private boolean stateMajor() {
		int pos = 0;
		while (pos < input.length && input[pos] >= '0' && input[pos] <= '9') {
			pos++; // match [0..9]+
		if (pos == 0) { // Empty String -> Error
			return false;
		if (input[0] == '0' && pos > 1) { // Leading zero
			return false;

		vParts[0] = Integer.parseInt(new String(input, 0, pos), 10);

		if (input[pos] == '.') {
			return stateMinor(pos + 1);

		return false;

	private boolean stateMinor(int index) {
		int pos = index;
		while (pos < input.length && input[pos] >= '0' && input[pos] <= '9') {
			pos++;// match [0..9]+
		if (pos == index) { // Empty String -> Error
			errPos = index;
			return false;
		if (input[0] == '0' && pos - index > 1) { // Leading zero
			errPos = index;
			return false;
		vParts[1] = Integer.parseInt(new String(input, index, pos - index), 10);

		if (input[pos] == '.') {
			return statePatch(pos + 1);

		errPos = pos;
		return false;

	private boolean statePatch(int index) {
		int pos = index;
		while (pos < input.length && input[pos] >= '0' && input[pos] <= '9') {
			pos++; // match [0..9]+
		if (pos == index) { // Empty String -> Error
			errPos = index;
			return false;
		if (input[0] == '0' && pos - index > 1) { // Leading zero
			errPos = index;
			return false;

		vParts[2] = Integer.parseInt(new String(input, index, pos - index), 10);

		if (pos == input.length) { // We have a clean version string
			return true;

		if (input[pos] == '+') { // We have build meta tags -> descend
			return stateMeta(pos + 1);

		if (input[pos] == '-') { // We have pre release tags -> descend
			return stateRelease(pos + 1);

		errPos = pos; // We have junk
		return false;

	private boolean stateRelease(int index) {
		int pos = index;
		while ((pos < input.length)
				&& ((input[pos] >= '0' && input[pos] <= '9')
						|| (input[pos] >= 'a' && input[pos] <= 'z')
						|| (input[pos] >= 'A' && input[pos] <= 'Z') || input[pos] == '-')) {
			pos++; // match [0..9a-zA-Z-]+
		if (pos == index) { // Empty String -> Error
			errPos = index;
			return false;

		preParts.add(new String(input, index, pos - index));
		if (pos == input.length) { // End of input
			return true;
		if (input[pos] == '.') { // More parts -> descend
			return stateRelease(pos + 1);
		if (input[pos] == '+') { // Build meta -> descend
			return stateMeta(pos + 1);

		errPos = pos;
		return false;

	private boolean stateMeta(int index) {
		int pos = index;
		while ((pos < input.length)
				&& ((input[pos] >= '0' && input[pos] <= '9')
						|| (input[pos] >= 'a' && input[pos] <= 'z')
						|| (input[pos] >= 'A' && input[pos] <= 'Z') || input[pos] == '-')) {
			pos++; // match [0..9a-zA-Z-]+
		if (pos == index) { // Empty String -> Error
			errPos = index;
			return false;

		metaParts.add(new String(input, index, pos - index));
		if (pos == input.length) { // End of input
			return true;
		if (input[pos] == '.') { // More parts -> descend
			return stateMeta(pos + 1);
		errPos = pos;
		return false;